How to Reset the MySQL Root Password

How to Reset the MySQL Root Password: A Step-by-Step Guide

Resetting the root password of MySQL can be a crucial process, whether you’ve forgotten your root credentials or need to update the password for security reasons. This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how to reset the root password for MySQL in a secure and efficient manner. Let’s dive in.

  1. Step 1: Check the MySQL Version

    Before making any changes, it’s helpful to verify the version of MySQL you’re running. Run the following command: mysql -v

    This will display the current version of MySQL installed on your system. Knowing your version will help you determine if there are any specific version-related commands or syntax to follow.

  2. Step 2: Stop the MySQL Process

    To make changes to the MySQL root user and reset the password, you’ll need to stop the mysqld process. Use the following command: sudo systemctl stop mysql.service

    Stopping the MySQL service ensures that no other users or processes can interfere while you perform administrative actions.

  3. Step 3: Check the Status of MySQL

    To confirm that MySQL has stopped successfully, check its status with: sudo systemctl status mysql.service

    You should see that the MySQL service is inactive or stopped.

  4. Step 4: Skip Networking and Grant Tables

    For the next steps, you need to start MySQL in a mode that skips networking and bypasses the privilege checks: sudo systemctl set-environment MYSQLD_OPTS=”–skip-networking –skip-grant-tables”

    This command starts MySQL with special settings that allow you to connect without checking the privileges, enabling password recovery.

  5. Step 5: Start the MySQL Service Again

    Start MySQL with the modified environment settings: sudo systemctl start mysql.service

  6. Step 6: Confirm MySQL Status

    Check that MySQL is running with the new configuration: sudo systemctl status mysql.service

    Ensure it is active so that you can proceed with password recovery.

  7. Step 7: Log in to MySQL

    Now, log in to MySQL as the root user without requiring a password: sudo mysql -u root

    Since you’ve skipped the grant tables, you’ll be able to access the MySQL prompt directly.

  8. Step 8: Flush Privileges

    After logging in, the first step is to flush the privileges. This action ensures any privilege changes are reloaded: flush privileges;

  9. Step 9: Change the Root Password

    Change the root password using the following command:
    ALTER USER ‘root’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY ‘your_strong_password_add_here’;

    Replace 'your_strong_password_add_here' with a secure password of your choice. Make sure to use a strong and unique password to ensure the security of your MySQL server.

  10. Step 10: Exit the MySQL Command Line

    After setting the password, exit the MySQL command line: quit;

  11. Step 11: Restore Database Normal Settings

    It’s important to restore the normal settings of the MySQL service. First, unset the environment variables: sudo systemctl unset-environment MYSQLD_OPTS

    Then revert any MySQL-specific configurations: sudo systemctl revert mysql

  12. Step 12: Kill All MySQL Services

    To ensure that all instances of MySQL are properly restarted, kill all active MySQL services: sudo killall -u mysql

  13. Step 13: Restart the MySQL Service

    With the environment back to normal, restart MySQL: sudo systemctl restart mysql.service

    This step will restart MySQL, applying all the changes you’ve made, including the new root password.

  14. Step 14: Log in to MySQL With the New Password

    Finally, test that your changes have taken effect by logging in with the new password: sudo mysql -u root -p

    You’ll be prompted to enter the password. Enter the new root password you set earlier.


Resetting the root password for MySQL can seem like a daunting task, but by following these steps, you can complete the process in a secure and systematic way. Always ensure that you follow best practices, such as using a strong password and keeping it secure. With the MySQL root password reset, you’ll regain control of your MySQL server and maintain its security.

Chandima Galahitiyawa

Chandima Galahitiyawa is a Sri Lankan entrepreneur who is also a digital content creator and digital marketer.